iPhone SDK, ついに実機でのテストが可能に

Apple Design Award 2008

iPHONE DEVELOPER SHOWCASE - Highlights innovative and compelling new iPhone applications, built using the Beta iPhone SDK. Entries in this category must be pre-release, feature complete versions built with the Beta iPhone SDK which run within the iPhone Simulator or on a provisioned* iPhone or iPod touch.  Apple reserves the right to award more than one winning entry in this category. *You must have entered into the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement (“Program Agreement”) with Apple to provision an iPhone or iPod touch.【Apple Developer Connection - Worldwide Developers Conference 2008 - Apple Design Awards - Official Rulesより引用】

 Apple Design Award 2008がアナウンスされ、そこに"iPhone Developer Showcase"という私に最適なカテゴリーがあるのだが、なんと言ってもきついのは締め切りが5月12日だということ。ベータ版のSDKがリリースされたのが3月6日。そこからわずか2ヶ月でfeature completeなアプリを出せというのは、かなり厳しい。





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